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A little lifestyle blog about my days.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Working gets you money which buys things, besides when you work somewhere you love it isn't really a chore or hard work. Its just time spent with friends, surprisingly I do like my job its not like i'm at it forever but for now its perfect and suits me well. What better than working with one of your passions everyday, sometimes its hard not to spend all my wages on clothes but you have to resist. So yeah today I was at work and its been a pretty fun day.
Hard Work=Fun Days

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Morgan, I am 19 and everyday i'm growing learning new lessons and becoming a better person. There is so much that I want to do in life and so much that I want to achieve. But at the moment I have to get the head down and work hard at university so that one day I can do everything I plan. Who knows if life will work out the way I want, it hasn't so far...
But for now I have to get my head down and study hard.

When people ask what is happiness its hard to define, its different for everyone. Right now I would say i'm the happiest I have been in a while. I have good friends a good job and everything to look forward to. So I am going to try and share some of that happiness with everyone. So stay updated and look out hopefully I can spread a smile.