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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hair Saviour...

Coconut Oil- £5.99 Boots

Recently I have been getting a lot of compliments for my hair. The cut has no layers, they are so out of trend, and my fringe started off as a full fringe that has been grown out. I don't know whether I prefer the full fringe or curtains but I can't afford a cut right now so the curtains stay. The colour I have to be honest is dyed, I am a natural ginger. I really want to get back to my roots and am considering sort of dip dying the ginger back in. It's a tough decision, especially as it has took so long to get this blonde. My hair is no stranger to being dyed, my rots are dark so if left just look cheap and tacky. Therefore over the years I have struggled with trying to keep it looking healthy. I have tried everything from hair masks to Argan Oils. That is until I ventured into boots to buy my Argan Oil and the coconut instead caught my eye. I thought why not give it a bash. I'm so gad I did. I can truly call the product a hair savior because since i started using it my hair has looked healthier and been softer and silkier. It also smells amazing especially if you love coconuts  it has a very strong yet fresh smell and is almost edible.

I apply the product a little too much, before bed to my hair when it is dry and after washing when wet. I dry the product through my hair and I have also noticed it is easier to brush with the oil in. When my hair is dry I sleep with the oil in so it sends a good few hours working the magic. At £5.99 from boots I personally think that this product is well worth a try, I love the way it makes my hair feel and how it smells. 

Easter days...

Top- Zara
Scarf- H&M
Jeans- Topshop Leigh

AS its Easter today has been filled with seeing the family and a good old catch up. Unfortunately this involved lots and lots of Vino, so I am no blogging in quite a tipsy state. I am therefore sorry if anything appears misleading/wrong. After a week of work I was thankful today that I got to dress more casual and relaxed. For this I decided to pull out my comfortable jeans in a size too big and a baggy T-shirt. The jeans are Topshop Leigh I have numerous pairs of them but these ones are pre weight loss and therefor just a little big. They are however elasticated meaning a great and comfortable fit. Literally think I could do Pilates in the things, maybe one day I shall give it a go. The top just a baggy t-shirt, I'm not normally a t-shirt type of person but I loved the print on this one its a Ferris wheel from Coney Island therefore reminds me of my time in New York. So today I channeled the style of a plain Jane but every once in a while we all need a day off.  The only item of my clothing that is indeed worth blogging about is my scarf. fluorescent pink with a kind of plastic coating. To many it looks like it has come straight from the runway when infact I recently picked it up in H&M sale for £2. Without a doubt the bargain of my week.

Once I was dressed my parents came over and we went out to the Mud Crab Cafe in Didsbury. Its a kind of Australian/American diner. I know a bit odd. It has an amazing menu and is so quirky, I love it. Today I decided to go for Steak, diet. It was medium rare so for me a little overcooked but none the less beautiful. The cafe has a great atmosphere and has quickly became popular among the suburban residents of Manchester. Indeed it earns its popularity without a doubt. I also got to see my family although they slightly remind me of the carpenters I love them none the less. I also had slightly too much wine. Whats a girl to do when its free? 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Bullets Hit Hard...

Jacket- FCUK
Jumper- H&M £12.99
Boots- Topshop Astrix £40.00

I am used to dressing up for my nights out as we go out in the cities Northern Quarter which is a heels and dress type of night out. So last night I donned a slightly more casual outfit for the Easter build up to the weekends festivities. Off to a gig I didn't quite want to take it too far but still added a bit of a heel in the form of boots so comfortable. I also wore a jumper which turned out to be a good idea as walking for the taxis was far too chilly. And they say Manchester is meant to be warm. I also wore tights, I usually hate wearing tights they are uncomfortable and have great legs so they mostly stay in the draws at home but the cold weather called for it on this occasion. This casual cool look is very me, It's what I feel comfortable wearing, even with the tights. 

Last night me and my lovely housemate went to see a great band called 12 Dirty Bullets. They are a really small band and I only know of them from my friend but they are amazing. If you have spotify or youtube they are more than worth a listen. There style of music is rock/indie and I was very impressed by how god they were live. They sounded even better than they do on record. The best thing was it was an intimate gig, at Night and Day cafe in Manchester. It was very personal and the band chatted with their crowd making it a very friendly atmosphere. These are the best types of gigs, small crowds and nice people in a little bar rather than big groups of drunks and crazy crowds.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Breakfast Club

Shirt- ASOS
Jacket-Zara £39.00
Boots- Topshop Astrix £40.00

I had a day off today so forced my housemate to get up and go for some American style breakfast by that I mean Pancakes with heaps and heaps of syrup! Seen as it was free, complaints get you vouchers it seems. How could she refuse. So off we toddle to get our pancakes and OJ and indeed they were amazing.

After breakfast we decided to go for a shop. I wouldn't recommend the Traffird Center quite frankly in the past it has induced tears of stress. However today if was rather chilled compared to the hectic Saturdays. We spent a little too much and I rekindled a very old flame with forever 21. Indeed my finest discovery of the day was Victorias Secrets soon to be opened. I feel like I will be catching the 250 to Trafford park on a regular basis. I'm sure my new purchases will soon feature in fact I'm wearing my one of my new buys tonight.

So today has been nice just shopped till we dropped. And now I'm off to a gig 12 dirty bullets so ill update you all tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Parisian Chic....

T-Shirt- Topshop £22
Jeans- Topshop £32
Ballet Pumps- Chanel £370
You can get today's outfit in shop's now

Today I channeled style from the continent. Parisian to be exact. I wore two of the french fashion giants, Chanel and Louis. Chanel supplied the footwear in the style of there best selling ballet pumps and Louis Vuitton supplied the accessories with their Speedy 45 bag. I don't want to give off the impression that I am some big earner that swans around town in the latest High priced goods. I have a few classical pieces some of which are sure to feature in my blog in the near future.

I went for the Monochrome look of the moment with a white top and black jeans, I added a cheeky twist by wearing a black bra so it stood through the white. The white top is really baggy and the sleeves create a sort of more manly shape so i pinned them up to create a more feminine look whislst still retaining the masculine cut of the top. The jeans were high waisted and together it created an effortless but tres chic outfit. I also added a pop of colour in my lips by wearing Mac's Russian Red lipstick because you can't channel Parisian chic without a bit of colour. 

The Chanel pumps however are something of a sore point. After paying £370 for a pair of ballet pumps you would think they could stand the test of time. Well unfortunately not. After a year, of not wearing them everyday, they look slightly tacky. They after a bit scuffed, the heel is worn down and the soles are growing thin. However they are Chanel. As worn out as they look I would not hesitate to buy another pair again and again. Louis Vuitton on the other hand is my favorite and must trusted piece in my wardrobe. It's a good 5 years old now so was a bit cheaper back in the day as a post to the £600 ish price tag they now come with. It is the largest one they do and therefore sometimes comes in useful as luggage as a post to a handbag. That is absolutely flawless, which sort of annoys me as I like handbags, not shoes to look worn. No matter how rough I treat it, it still manages to look as pristine as the day I bought it. Sigh.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Long day....

After a heavy night out in Manchester's Gay village channeling my inner queen, just to clarify I am 100% straight I just love my friends and it's £1.50 a drink on Mondays. I awoke feeling kind of refreshed after deciding for the millionth time not to waste my thoughts on a guy, we shall see how long it lasts this time. Also with a frothy head I got up to inhale and drink my daily intake of caramel latte and my morning Greek yogurt and berries. I did a little blogging, a little shopping and caught up with some friends. This all before I gathered the courage to leave the warmth of my pug duvet and leave for the gym. The gym is kind of a daily event at the moment. Trying to get into shape for my summer holidays, travelling round Europe, it shall be a big event. Today I started on the treadmill again. Been feeling weak recently and only managed to go on the trainer ect. So today I thought I would have a go at running once again, I bossed it managed a full hour. Made me very happy to know I haven't lost my rhythm and can still run pretty well.

Unfortunately for me I had to go to work again. A silly 4 hour shift again, sometimes I wonder what the point is. However I do always enjoy work as I love the people there and have some amazing friends I work with. Was meant to be in G-A-Y again but i decided that a Chai latte was the way forward tonight. I eased the pain before getting on with my day by making a few online purchases. A simple white cami dress from Zara, justified by it being a plain go with whatever dress. Also some glasses. I felt like I needed to start to look intelligent as half the time in dozing or staring into space. A worthy buy, who knows they may encourage me to write a novel and be a literacy princess. 

Shirt- COW (Sheffield)
Jeans- Topshop Joni's 
Shoes- Topshop Astrix Boots

And finally, Today I wore. Strictly I broke the rules and ventured from the Topshop dress code, however as i'm in vintage and the customers can't purchase it elsewhere. So technically it's fine. My shirt was an absolute steal. Came from COW in Sheffield, it was in the sale so only cost me £5. It's silk and loose fitting so literally will look good over anything. Leggings, jeans, skirts over dresses. I love shirts like this, that can be worn in so many different ways as it feels like a new outfit each time. On my legs are the trusted Topshop Joni jeans, the current seasons high waisted style. They have stretch in them so are really good fits and so comfortable. A little fact of the moment, Jonis are best sellers. On my feet some hunky Boots. Topshop Astrix, they have a platform on the front and a slight heel. They too are really comfortable. There is nothing worse than being in pain during the working day.

Working Girl...

Jeans-Topshop Jamie's £42
T-Shirt- Topshop
Long Necklace- Primark £4
Short Necklace- Very Old
Shoes- Converse Hightops
Scarf- Zara

So once again I am off to work and as I'm doing a long shift I decided upon myself to make it dress down Mondays. Well at least for me. I kind of look like I am channeling a hippy vibe today. Purely through my choice of jewellery. My outfit is pretty simple just jeans and a baggy T-Shirt. I Wanted to wear my tonkas but they just didn't look right so converse it is. This is probably for the best as moccasins would have just made me look like I'm off to a ritual. The scarf is really old so I rarely wear it but today's weather a mixture of cold and sun called for something a little fun rather than Woolley.

I like looking casual more than putting dresses on purely because I like to save my dresses and heels for nights out and special occasions. Also jeans are so comfortable to wear everyday.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Lush Life

This morning as I woke up very spotty I thought I would give myself a treat. I decided to apply Lush's 'The Sacred Truth' face mask. I thought it would have the desired effect, make my face dazzle. The mask is apparently meant to enhance the complexion and revive the skin through the use of cleansing cays and nutritious butters.  However I simply don't know what went wrong. The mask after about a minute on my face went all lumpy and started to drop off on my lovely pug bedding, which will now need a wash. I look like a creature from the deep, with the green formula dolloped on my face.

After washing the formula off my skin did feel a little refreshed but not the major change that I was hoping for. I have always been a fan of the Lush products simply due to them being natural formulas. My latest dabble into the world of natural beauty has left me feeling a little disappointing though. Never one to turn my back on a good brand after a bad experience we will have to see if my next beauty treat can redeem the brand.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Momma Visit's

Dress- Topshop Boutique
Jacket-River Island
Boots-Topshop Ambush

So today was a chilled out Sunday. After my last week of uni before my revision leave I wanted to chill out this weekend rather than party. Especially because I got a little too drunk last week, but that's a long story. Therefore after having a movie night with my housemate, Hannah, where she managed to consume a whole bottle of wine. My Momma came to visit. Usually she doesn't like shopping. So I was a little surprised when she suggested that we go. I was even more surprised when she bought me a beautiful new Blazer from Zara. I even managed to get her into Selfridge's where she vowed to buy a dress for my cousins wedding.

After shopping till we dropped. We went to the Northern Quarter for some lunch. Being very familiar with the area, as it is our usual Saturday night out. I decided that we should go to 'The Blue Pig'. Its a deli style bar, the perfect mixture of cocktails and yummy food. The best thing on the menu are the Platters, only exceeding expectations by the fact you can design your own. I did the choosing whilst sipping my Stormy cocktail, and I have to say some of the best food I have ever had. My favorite item being the African ginger bread, it was so yummy. However we were a bit naughty after and had some Churros with chocolate dip, but a desert shared is calories halved. Coupled with the quirky atmosphere which kind of reminds me of some of the Parisian bars I've been to. I defiantly would recommend it. 

On a final note, it was so lovely to see my momma. We had such a nice chat and a good day together. I feel since I have got older and grown up we get along loads better. I feel like I can talk about most things with her, some still has to be kept secret though. I feel like I have grown up so much recently and appreciate that mother daughter bond so much more. So glad I'm lucky enough to have my momma there for me every second of my life.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today's outfit....

Today I actually had to go to work, it was wild. I'm currently so jealous of all the shoppers because all I want to do is buy all the new seasons clothes. In case you haven't scoured my blog for the earlier posts I'm a Topshop girl. I live my job, literally can't imagine not going to work. I would get so bored with nothing to do. I see all the new trends as soon as they come through the door, get discount and uniform. Best of all though is the atmosphere. I love the people I work with and have made some really good friends.

My favourite trend in store at the moment is Modern Knight. It's a more grownup looking trend. It's monochrome with touches of neon. Only problem is I currently have no money as I'm saving up to go travelling in Europe with my best friend Faye. Such a shame.

My outfit today sort of broke the workplace rules as it wasn't all Topshop.

Boots-Topshop Astrix

It's really cold in Manchester right now so I had to wrap up all warm. My hat is from the Topshop Sno range. It's so nice and warm, probably because its for skiers. However it keeps my head nice and toasty.

My makeup, I'm wearing my trusted Illamasqua red lipstick. Read my earlier posts on lipstick reviews for the details.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


With my last essay due before Easter I am taking the typical student way out and procrastinating like hell. Litarlly I am loosing the plot due to writing so much about Victorian class structure and poverty that all I want to do is headbut my computer screen into oblivion. Believe me it is only a short matter of time until i actually do. So i thought that I would break up the time before I head over to the gym to have a much needed stress relieving jog on blogging my day.

As I am only at uni I'm not overdressed but I quite like todays choice of outfit, even if it is all black, an unusual occurance unless it's a little black dress. My Jeans and jacket come from Topshop. The jeans are a pair of high wasted Jonis in black, they are not the denim ones however so they are solid black and as of yet the colour is not fading. They were also cheaper than the current collection of Joni's. I love high waisted jeans, as I dont really have a bum and hips, im have more flab on the front they are really flattering. The jacket I have to say is the one of the two gems in my wardrobe. Its a vintage style fringed suede jacket and goes with almost anything. It however was a one off find on ebay, the fool who sold it also let it go for just £12 so i definatly found a winner. Its great for summer and going out but right now its actually quite chilly to wear in the day so it doesnt get as much attention as it deserves. The top is just a basic chiffon cami from American Apparels last season, i'm borrowing it off my neighbour but the t-shitrt I had on earlier was boring.

Top- American Apperal
Jeans- Topshop Joni
Jacket- Topshop via Ebay

As it was pretty sunny this morning I treated myself to a frapee from Cafe Nero, this is my new favourite coffe shop simply due to the mint frapee's and white chocolate mochas. I have always been a Starbucks girl but I fear the Italians may have for now, won my love. It's definatly the place to be getting a summer drink from as the frappee menue is huge, it ranges from lemon, to coffee, to strawberry and everything in between. What more could you possibly want from an iced drink.

Finally being a metropolitan uni girl on the all saints campus of Manchester, the only decent place to eat is the Eight Day Cafe. It offers a great range of healthy take away food. I was starving so decided to treat myself to a feta and spinich parcel and a cocunut and cherry flapjack. This came to £2.40 which considering the fact the flapjack was the size of my head, made my day. Im meant to be dieting but who cares I need my energy for all this mundane essay writing.

However I have to get to the gym now, considering that the flapjack probably contained my daily intake of calories. Until tomorrow.

Feather Effect...

Nail trends have become very popular over the last year. Therefore I decided to jump on the band wagon and try out the newest 'Nails Inc Feather Effect'. I tried it out after seeing it on another blog and thought it looked really cool. However I was left feeling a little dissapointed. It looked alright, it was after all something different and was a cool effect. However as the day went on it was just annoying. As it is textured it was easy to pick off and got caught quite a lot. It was also quite scratchy and just left me feeling like I ha wasted my £11 rather than gained a cool new nail paint. I can also see the product being used fast as it took me applying about 3 coats to get a full coverage of the nail.

Nails Inc Feather effect comes in 5 shades and the bottle costs £11. The shade i'm wearing is 'Chester Feathers.'

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Clothes..

 Working in retail I always spot little gems that I have to buy. Today i found a great dress in Topshop swimwear. However I have no plans on wearing it down the beach. It's a floaty bright coloured tye dye dress. The ting that gives it that extra is the material running down the sides which is tied giving the dress a festival look. I thought it would be perfect for a casual look in the summer with my Moccasin boots, pulling together a casual hippy look. Then for a night out I thought it would look great together with some chunky heeled boots a belt and a denim jacket. 

As it is a jersey material and therefore lightweight it will be nice and light for summer, especially as my plans this year are to travel round Europe. The vivid colours also mean that it is a dress that will in no doubt stand out amongst a crowd. I'm picturing me in Italy among a sea of people....

Therefore at the price of £28, i have no doubt that this will be a key piece in  my summer wardrobe.

Monday, March 18, 2013


I have always believed that friendship much like love is unconditional  By this I mean you cant pick times to be a friend, you cant just be there when someones happy, you cant just be there when you need them. If a friend needs you no matter how little the problem you are there for them. Even when you know that there are worse things going off in their life. As a wise person once told me all the little problems to us could be big problems to the one facing it. We are meant to love our friends, if they are upset we comfort them, happy we are please for them, however there will always be a time in which we feel we judge them but true friends should be able to look beyond this.You are only someones true friend when you are there with no conditions no matter what happens no matter what they do. I have spent time trying to be a good friend and in the short 19 years I have had to battle the minefield I have learnt that true friends are the ones that you can call anytime of day after any amount of time, and they can just be there for you. Sometimes however friends come and go you see after time weaknesses that eat away at the bond you have. This is all part of growing up and there are times when you have to get on with your life regardless. Losing a friend is always sad, but sometimes no matter what you think at the time it is for the best. There will always be people that stop you from growing as a person and sometimes its best that they exit your life.

I am so happy that I already have people in my life that make me a better person, listen to me and will always be a part of my life. 

To my friends I love you, each and everyone of you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Last Night...

Due to the recession my hours at work have been cut and money to buy clothes has been a bit sparse recently. Therefore I decided to dig deep and force my housemate to let me borrow her clothes.

As we were off out to a casual club I wanted to go quite laid back. The denim skirt is American Apparel and was perfect to keep me cinched in and looking nice and slim. I teamed it with a black baggy vest from French connection. To add a bit of glamour I put some red lipstick on. Add jacket and shoes and that's a casual night out look down to a tee.

Skirt- American Apparel £50
Vest- French connection £14

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Beauty buy

Topshop for makeup?

As a high maintenance femme I have a habit for buying the expensive brands of makeup such as Mac and Illamasque both are excellent but recently I've been looking for a glossy pink loopy and have until now had no luck with my go to brands. On a whim I popped into Topshop and discovered The Topshop lip crayon.

It has all the qualities of a lipstick but gives a glossy finish. A perfect summer look. With shades from pinks to reds to deep purples its a great investment as it gives just that little bit extra. I've been searching for a gloss that isn't sticky and gives good coverage for a while, so it came as a bit of a shock when I found just that in the favourite high street fashion chain. Seen as Topshop makeup has made a great first impression I look forward to testing more out.

Topshop Lip Crayon-£7

Don't forget students get a 10% discount when showing a valid student card.